Certified Talent Management Practitioner
Solution-Based Practice
Overview of this Talent Management Practitioner Certification Program
How should organizations adapt to changes during the pandemic? What are the best ways to re-deploy talent and prepare the organizations for the future? Gain these skills in our courses on workforce planning and succession planning.
Online, Mentor supported, hands on project work.
20 months of access to the learning content, learning platforms and all resources.
Start at your Convenience, contact us for group enrollment schedules.
Learning and certification exam package
How is Talent Management Specialist useful?
- Translate business strategy to talent imperatives.
- Effectively engage and influence stakeholders in solution scoping and design.
- Engage in rapid solution development using the evidence-based methodology, job aids, and prebuilt tools.
- Promote continuous improvement through the use of metrics and analytics.
All certifications are valid for 3 years. To maintain the certification credentials, you must stay current in this area of expertise, build upon your knowledge, and grow as a professional in your field. Recertification requires retaking the exam.
This learning and certification package includes the training segments and a certification exam.
Certification Requirements
- Complete the learning segments listed in the training tab, including the accompanying mandatory webinars, and quizzes.
- Complete projects achieving a minimum score of 70%.
- Complete examination
Step 1: Comprehensive Exam
- Take four separate modular certification exams and achieve a minimum score of 70% on each exam.
- Format of modular exams:
– Computer-Based Testing (CBT)
– Multiple-choice questions selected based on expert panel evaluations
Certified in Workforce Selection (CWS) | Certified in Workforce Development (CWD) | Certified in Workforce Management (CWM) |
Certified in Workforce Management (CWM)
Exams may be taken on different examination dates while you are enrolled in the program.
Exam information and dates ►
Step 2:
OPTION 1: Comprehensive Project
Lead the design, implementation, and evaluation of comprehensive project covering two or more modules in the integrated talent management framework. The project must include problem identification, solution design leveraging know of the evidence, implementation and evaluation design.
OPTION 2: Comprehensive Exam
Take a comprehensive exam covering all modules and achieve a minimum score of 70%.
The CTMP Exam & Learning Package includes 17 courses. The courses cover topics in four distinct phases of employee life-cycle: hiring, developing, managing, organizational effectiveness.
This courseware is designed, keeping in mind with the needs of talent management professionals to learn the material and maximize it in their work projects. Users have access to the HCG Learning Management Platform where they can access the courses listed below. Lessons include case studies, step-by-step guides, evidence-based models, webinars, projects, quizzes, and mentor support. Additionally, users have access to job aids and worksheets, which they can readily utilize in their work projects. Read about our success methodology ►
Access duration for this learning package is 20 months.
Foundations of Integrated Talent Management
In this course, participants gain understanding of how talent management systems can create better organizations, better talent and better career. They gain knowledge of what talent management is, how organizations benefit from talent management, characteristics of a high impact integrated talent management system and industry practices in talent management. The course highlights the benefits and costly consequences of not focusing on TM practices.
In this course, participants build capability to:
- conduct a TM system effectiveness audit
- identify opportunities for integrating TM practices to meet a business need
- assist in the recruitment of evidence based TM professionals
- identify gaps in TM practices compared to industry benchmarks
This course gives participants access to various tools and worksheets, including:
- TM System Effectiveness Audit
- Industry Specific TM Practices
Job Analysis
In this course, participants will understand the benefits of using a job analysis for system integration, compliance, efficiency, and strategic alignment. Participants will gain knowledge of the role of job analysis in a Talent Management system, the steps involved in conducting a job analysis, how to use various job analysis tools and methods, and how to write job descriptions. They will also learn about competency modeling and the steps in creating a competency model.
In this course, participants will build the capability to:
- explain the benefits of conducting a job analysis
- explain the difference between a job analysis and a competency model
- select between a job analysis or a competency model, to address a specific need
- select the job analysis method and tools for a specific need
- conduct the steps involved in a job analysis
- conduct a job analysis interview
- conduct the steps required to create a competency model
This course gives participants access to tools and worksheets, including:
- A Template and Guideline for Competency Model Development
- Checklist and Guidelines Conducting a Job Analysis Interview
- A Job Description Template
- A Sample Job Description
- A Guide to Classifying Abilities and Job Behaviors
- Guidelines for Selecting Job Analysis Tools
- List of Leadership Competencies for a Competitive Business Climate
Talent Acquisition
In this course, participants will learn the principles of attracting high-potential and high performing candidates through integrated Talent Management (TM) practices. The course will demonstrate the importance of strategic talent acquisition programs in organizations and present the evidence on effective recruitment practices. Participants will gain knowledge about the steps involved in the talent acquisition process and the role of talent acquisition in a TM system. They will also learn about talent acquisition programs through case studies, understand the importance of employer branding and gain exposure to different talent acquisition methods.
In this course, participants will build the capability to:
- outline the key processes required to build a talent acquisition system
- draft a talent acquisition strategy by engaging stakeholders
- develop material for the talent acquisition process
- write a realistic job preview
- support the development of an employer brand
- conduct activities to promote the employer brand
- select the most appropriate talent acquisition method
- assist in using social media for talent acquisition
- evaluate the efficacy of the talent acquisition methodology
This course gives participants access to tools and worksheet, including:
- A Job Description Template
- A Guide to Defining Roles and Responsibilities of the Recruiting Team
- A Sample Realistic Job Preview
- A List and Description of the Top Job Portals
Employee Selection
In this course, participants gain knowledge about the goals of high impact hiring systems and the tools and methods used in the hiring processes. The course also builds an understanding of effective selection processes through case studies and examples. It also builds skills in monitoring and evaluating the quality of a hiring process.
In this course, participants build the capability to:
- gather requirements of the target job
- write a realistic job preview
- support the design of a multiple-hurdle candidate screening process
- support the administration of an employee selection system
- assist in the selection of assessments for screening job candidates
- monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the employee selection system
This course gives participants access to tools and worksheets, including:
- Example of a Competency by Selection Method Matrix
- Fleishman’s Ability Taxonomy
- A Cheat Sheet for Selecting the Best Assessment Tool
- A Checklist for Designing a Hiring System
- A Guide for Using a Job Analysis Task list to Define the Selection Criteria
- Example of a KSA by Assessment Method Matrix
- Guidelines for Selecting Assessments for Hiring
In this course, participants will learn the evidence on effective onboarding practices and design considerations when building an onboarding program. They will gain understanding of the importance of employee socialization, the difference between orientation and onboarding, as well as key issues in senior leader onboarding. Additionally, the course will present a case study on how a well-known organization onboard its employees. Finally, participants will learn how to evaluate the efficacy of an onboarding program.
In this course, participants build the capability to:
- explain the benefits of an onboarding program
- distinguish between an orientation and an onboarding program
- design an impactful onboarding program for new-comers
- design an onboarding program for senior leaders
- determine when to use a structured versus an
- individualized onboarding program
- evaluate an onboarding program
This course gives participants access to various tools and worksheets, including:
- Senior Leader Onboarding Checklist
- Questions an Onboarding Program Should Answer
- New Hire Orientation and Onboarding Checklist
- General Onboarding Plan – Sample
Training and Development
In this course, participants learn the steps required to design impactful training interventions. They will gain knowledge about learning theories that lead to sustained skill acquisition. The course includes examples and case studies to demonstrate the use of training to address unique organizational needs.
In this course, participants build the capability to:
- conduct a detailed training needs analysis
- support the design of a training intervention
- match the learning mode with the purpose and the audience
- engage the learner before, during and after the training
- design interventions to increase the transfer of training
- evaluate classroom and elearning courses
This course gives participants access to various tools and worksheets, including:
- Training Needs Evaluation – Checklist
- Vendor Offerings Evaluation – Checklist
- Level 1 Training Evaluation Form – Classroom
- Level 1 Training Evaluation Form – Elearning
Leader Development
In this course, participants learn about models of effective leader behaviors, such as situational leadership theory and full range leadership theory. Additionally, they will gain knowledge about leader development programs, including accelerated leader development and charismatic leadership training. The course includes special topics on globalization and gender in leadership and current and future trends in leadership development.
In this course, participants build the capability to:
- help others understand the unique characteristics of leaders
- support the selection of assessments tools to predict leadership success
- support the design of leadership development programs
- support the selection of vendors for deploying leadership development programs
- support the design of a training program to grow charismatic leaders
- support the deployment of leadership development programs
support progress tracking of participants
design mechanisms to accelerate leader development
This course gives participants access to various tools and worksheets, including:
- A Training Guide to Developing Charismatic leadership
- A Guide to Assessing Effective Leader Traits and Behaviors
- A Form to Capture Current & Future Leader Competency Requirements
- Leadership Development Needs -A Gap Analysis Tool
- Leadership development – Program Design Template
- Leader Development Activities and Activity Descriptions
- Leadership Development Activities by Development Phase
Career Planning
In this course, participants will gain knowledge of the role of career planning in a Talent Management system. Additionally, the course will teach the steps involved in developing a career management system, the steps involved in managing individual careers and popular models and frameworks used by experts in career management. The learning experiences will also include examples of how three leading organizations practice career management and special cases of career planning including new graduate career management, senior leader career management, informal career development and helping employees manage their own careers. At the end of the course, a participant will learn how to evaluate a career planning program.
In this course, participants build the capability to:
- support the formulation of a career management strategy
- guide clients on the types of employee issues a career management system can address
- support the design of a career management system
- guide individuals through a career management process
- select from a list of career management activities based on the needs of the individual
- use formal and informal career management
- evaluate a career management program
This course gives participants access to various tools and worksheets, including:
- A Guide to Picking Career Planning Activities by Career Stages
- Organizational Career Management Practices – Maturity Chart
- Super’s Model: Matching Career Management Practice with Career Stage
- A Guide to Selecting Assessments for Career Planning
- Overview of the Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition
- A Guide to Managing Challenges Related to Career Management Programs
- A Guide to Segmenting Career Management Programs by Organizational Level
- A Guide to Segmenting Career Management Programs by Career Stages
Program Evaluation
In this course, participants learn the steps involved in designing a program evaluation. They develop an understanding of popular models and frameworks in program evaluation, such as Kirkpatrick’s four levels of evaluation, Return on Investment (ROI) and Utility analysis. Additionally, the course will cover the evaluation process and metrics used in common types of development programs including training interventions, leader development programs, multisource feedback interventions, executive coaching and career management systems. While this course is presented as a separate chapter, all TM interventions should have a PE component.
In this course, participants build the capability to:
- describe the benefits of doing a program evaluation
- use the PE framework to develop hypotheses about program outcomes
- use the PE frameworks to select the right evaluation level and metric(s)
- select the appropriate program evaluation method
- outline the steps required to conduct a program evaluation
- identify the data required to conduct a program evaluation
- perform simple statistical analyses
- outline the evaluation methodology for commonly used programs such as
- training
- leadership development
- executive coaching
- multi-source feedback
- career management systems
This course gives participants access to various tools and worksheets, including:
- Program Evaluation- Data Collection and Metrics Checklist
- Statistical Techniques and when to use them
- Comparison of Interview Methods for Program Evaluation
- Training Evaluation Levels
- Worksheet – Return on Investment Analysis
- Career Development Programs-Audit Sheet
- Evaluating Career Development Programs – Organizational and Individual Level Metrics
- Program Evaluation of Succession Planning and
- Management Program-Audit Sheet
- Coach Assessment
- Executive Coaching Experience Evaluation Form
Performance Management
In this course, participants will learn about the dimensions of performance and how they relate to effectiveness. The participant will learn about the key decisions and practices that lead to accuracy and fairness in the appraisal process. They will understand the interdependencies between PM and talent management systems, and use this knowledge to design a high impact PM system. Participants will also learn about key considerations such as assessing team performance and evaluating the effectiveness of a PA system.
In this course, participants build the capability to:
- Support the development of a new performance appraisal (PA) system by
- developing questionnaires/interview guides to gather stakeholder’s input
- proposing the appropriate list of performance dimensions for a holistic evaluation
- proposing rating scale options to rate performance
- proposing mechanisms to promote fairness in the system
- outlining the process of administering organization-wide performance appraisals
- Support the maintenance of an existing performance appraisal system by
- providing proactive administrative support during the deployment of the PA processdesigning the evaluation
- process to assess the effectiveness of the PA system
- gathering data to evaluate the effectiveness of the PA system
This course gives participants access to various tools and worksheets, including:
- A Manager’s Guide to Giving Effective Performance Feedback
- A Manager’s Guide to Informal Employee Development Activities
- Performance Appraisal Methods for Different Types of Teams – A Guide
- Performance Appraisal Tools – Rating Scale Comparison TM System Effectiveness Audit
Compensation and Total Rewards
In this course, participants will learn the steps involved in developing a compensation strategy and the evidence on effective compensation practices. They will gain knowledge of the contrasting perspectives on compensation, total rewards and get introduced to special topics including sales compensation, managerial compensation, executive compensation and legal issues in compensation. The course will also teach effective compensation strategies through case studies.
In this course, participants build the capability to:
- perform a job evaluation
- use compensation practices to support organizational objectives and business strategies
- outline the key considerations in conducting a market pay analysis
- develop the compensation structure
- develop pay bands for job families or broad bands for all jobs within the organization
- effectively communicate the company’s compensation philosophy
- outline the key considerations for designing a sales compensation systems
- decide when to use long-term or short-term incentives
This course gives participants access to various tools and worksheets, including:
- Guide to Evaluating Total Rewards Programs
- Job Evaluation Sample – Comparison of Client Services Role
- A Manager’s Discussion Guide for Compensation Communication
- Sales Performance Metrics
- Steps in Building a Compensation Communication Plan
- Total Rewards Programs
- Market Pay Analysis
Workforce Analytics and Planning
In this course, participants will gain knowledge of the signs that signal the need for workforce planning and the steps involved in conducting a workforce analysis. Additionally, the course will present strategies for workforce segmentation, qualitative and quantitative methods for workforce estimation and other special considerations.
In this course, participants build the capability to:
- identify when a workforce analysis will be beneficial
- identify the data required to perform workforce analytics
- outline the steps involved in conducting a workforce plan
- develop a workforce supply-demand gap closure strategy
- compute staffing ratios and productivity ratios to estimate
- future workforce size
- gather metrics to evaluate a workforce plan
This course gives participants access to various tools and worksheets, including:
- Guidelines for Building a Talent Inventory
- Guidelines for Using Qualitative Methods of Workforce Forecasting
- Operational Strategy Canvas – Form
- Tools for Estimating Skills and Expertise Required – Form
- Strategies of Addressing Workforce Deficits and Surpluses
- Workforce Segmentation Categories and Definitions
Succession Planning
In this course participants will learn the steps involved in developing a succession planning process and the organizational best practices. The participant will gain knowledge of how succession planning fits into the employee life cycle and how to identify critical positions. The course will also present evidence, predictors of leadership potential, special considerations, common dilemmas and material on CEO succession planning. Finally, participants will learn how to evaluate the succession planning process.
In the course a participant will build the capability to:
- define an approach to identify critical roles
- define the succession needs of the organization
- select assessments to help identify high potential candidates
- develop a process to identify high potential employees
- using assessments and employee data
- outline the succession planning process and structure the talent review meeting
- support the creation of development plans
- gather metrics to evaluate the succession planning process
This course gives participants access to tools and worksheets, including:
- A Guide for Succession Planning Management and Development Support
- Comprehensive List of Predictors of High Potentials
- A Guide to High Potential Identification, Development, and Treatment
- A Guide to Understanding Leadership Derailers
- Guidelines for Identifying Critical Roles
- Job Leveling Matrix
- Miles and Snow Organizational Strategy – ToolSuccession
- Planning Stakeholder Meeting Guide
- The Talent Review Process – Challenges and Resolutions
- Succession Planning Strategy Creation Meeting Canvas – Tool
Organizational Culture and Change Management
In this course, participants will learn about practices that minimize resistance and sustain change. It includes learning the material on the steps involved in change management, and requirements to prepare leaders to lead change. The participant will also learn how to measure climate and culture, and how to change organizational culture. The course will present a validated change management model and evidence on what works in change management. Finally, participants will learn to evaluate the impact of change and create an action plan for continued improvement.
In this course, participants build the capability to:
- recognize the signs when change management is required
- assess climate and culture related barriers to change
- lead a conversation on the options to culture change
- support the process to define the changing purpose
- support the identification of risks associated with the change process
- lead /support the change process to prepare for the change
- identify the sources of resistance to change and prepare to
- address the resistance
- prepare leaders to lead change
- play the role of a change agent
- support the change team in anticipating the trajectory of change and prepare to overcome obstacles and dips in performance
- create a plan to communicate the change
- lead efforts to evaluate the impact of change and create an action plan for continued improvement
This course gives participants access to various tools and worksheets, including:
- Instrument to Assess Organizational Climate
- Guide on Assigning Roles and Responsibilities to the Change Team
- Current State and Future State Analysis – Interview Questions
- Gap Analysis Template
- List of HR Competencies to Support Change
- Sample Change Communication Plan
- Steps in Implementing Total Organizational Change
- Taxonomy of Organizational Risks
- Tools for Spotting Change Implications
Team Effectiveness
In this course, participants will learn about the validated models of team formation and characteristics of high impact teams. They will also learn to conduct a team diagnosis and the steps required to promote team effectiveness. This course includes materials on the characteristics of virtual teams, self-managed teams and the impact of team diversity on team effectiveness.
In this course, participants build the capability to:
- help conduct a team diagnosis
- advise a team on improving their effectivenesssupport the
- formation of a new team
- assist in the selection of team members
- identify an appropriate type of team training
- assist in the design of team training
- evaluate the effectiveness of a team
This course gives participants access to various tools and worksheets, including:
- Guidance for Selecting the most Appropriate Team
- Training Intervention
- An Instrument to Conduct a Team Diagnosis
- Guidance for Defining and Assigning Team Roles
- A Team Leader Skills Questionnaire
Employee Engagement
In this course, participants will learn about the scientific basis of employee engagement and the outcomes it drives. Through steps, tools, examples and case studies, participants will learn to recognize the signs that point to the need to address employee engagement. They will also become equipped to identify the actions required to create an engaged workforce.
In this course, participants build the capability to:
- guide the organization in building an accurate
- understanding of employee engagement
- support market campaigns and communication efforts to
- build awareness about employee engagement
support efforts to design studies to measure employee engagement - support the data collection, data analysis and interpretation of employee engagement studies
- identify interventions to close gaps in employee engagement
- evaluate employee engagement programs
This course gives participants access to various tools and worksheets, including:
- Employee Engagement Assessments
- Guide to Defining Employee Engagement in the Context of the Organization
- Tool to Draw Conclusions from the data and Build a Case for Employee Engagement
- Sample Data Interpretation and Action Planning Guide
- Employee Experiences Survey
- Employee Experiences
- Survey Scoring Sheet
- Employee Engagement Interview Guide
Work Design
Work design or job design is the process of structuring jobs to satisfy the motivational needs of employees while optimizing work outcomes.
In this course, participants will learn about models of work design, when work design is an option and how organizations can benefit from work design. Additionally, they will learn about different types of work design and the steps in designing and redesigning work. Participants will also learn the strategies to effectively implement new job design by incorporating changes in the performance management system and designing effective reward systems. The course includes special topics on teamwork and improving quality of work-life, and case studies
In this course, participants build the capability to:
- Guide conversations on the motivating potential of work design interventions
- Help managers select between work design options
- Design flexible work options
- Help managers and incumbents focus on the work dimensions that promote work motivation
- Perform the steps in designing work
- Conduct an evaluation of the work design process and outcomes
- Conduct work design options for individuals and teams
This course gives participants access to various tools and worksheets, including:
- Job Enlargement Template
- Job Enrichment Template
- Job Rotation Tool
- Job Rearrangement Tool
- Job-related Challenges Tool
- Questions to Consider when Redesigning or Creating New Jobs
- Identify the best Job Design Option – Guide
- Dreyfus Model of Skill Level
- Job Leveling Matrix
- Work Design-Needs Analysis Guide
- Work Design Options Guide
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Who are the faculty for this Talent Management Practitioner course?
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Job opportunities in this certification
I have taken many certification programs, some of them via online mode. When I first embarked on the CTMS/CTMP program, I was amazed with the amount of information that was available in the program. The content was thoughtfully designed, and the context was practical in nature. Everything was geared towards student learning. This is one of the best, if not the best program I have ever taken.
Am I Eligible?
Best suited for
- HR generalists/business partners
- Talent management consultants
- Organizational Development
- Consultant
- Coaches
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The Faculty for this Talent Management Specialist Learning Package
Shreya Sarkar-Barney. Ph.D.
Learning and Certification Exam Package
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