
​Our psychometric assessments predict important workplace outcomes and facilitate HR related decision making

​Need insights on a candidate – what is their approach to engaging with their team, with individual members, and with stakeholders? What is their approach to mitigating risks? Take the guess-work out and use Human Capital Growth’s leadership profiling tool the next time you are hiring a candidate or looking to develop your leaders.

Leadership Effectiveness Profile

​The leadership effectiveness profile assesses attributes that are hard-wired and those that can be developed for success in a leadership role. It is an ideal tool for making hiring decisions and for gaining insight into the development needs of a leader.

Team Effectiveness

​The assessment is based on meta-analytic findings of team effectiveness across a variety of job types, including production teams, airline teams, and paramedic teams. The online survey can be conducted with an intact team or with multiple collaborative teams.

Global Orientation

​Managing remote teams in culturally diverse locations and relocating to take on expat roles have become a reality in today’s global economy.   Studies show that the rate of failure among expats is significantly high.

Individual Assessments

​Looking to create a customized assessment offering for a specific role or organization?  Use the assessments from the list below in combination with other tools you may already have.

Full Range Leadership

​The full-range leadership assessment is based on transformational leadership frameworks and assesses effective and ineffective leader behaviors.  


The Human Capital Growth personality measure is based on the big five frameworks and designed for use in the workplace.

Engendering Trust

​This Human Capital Growth trust instrument measures the range of behaviors leaders use to influence others and gain commitment.