Sarkar-Barney, S. (2017). Evidence-based HR: Focusing on What Matters. Presented during the 2017 California HR Conference (PIHRA) held at Long Beach, CA.
Sarkar-Barney, S. (2014). Data Science for HR. A Roadmap for Faster Decisions and results. Presented at the Gateway Talent Strategy Summit held on August 20th and 21st in San Francisco, CA.
Sarkar-Barney, S. (2014). Evidence-based talent management. Using the evidence to drive talent and business outcomes. Presented at the Gateway Talent Strategy Summit held on February 6th and 7th in San Francisco, CA.
Sarkar-Barney, S. & Barney, M. (2011). Going Global with Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Opportunities in India. Invited Keynote, Society of Psychologists in Management (SPIM), Napa, CA, USA.
Perez, A., Grantham, C,. Widlak, I, Sarkar-Barney, S. (2017). Closing the Scientist–Practitioner Gap: Studies From 2016 With Significant Practical Utility. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 54(4). .
Highhouse, S., Zickar, M.J., Brooks, M. E., Reeve, C. L., Sarkar-Barney, S. T., and Guion, R. M. (2016). A Public-Domain Personality Item Bank For Use With The Raymark, Schmit, and Guion (1997) PPRF. Personnel Assessment and Decisions.
Sarkar-Barney. S. (2014). The Tata Group: Lessons on Global Business Excellence from India’s Most Prominent Multinational. In Schneider, B., & Barbera, K. M. (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Climate and Culture, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Barney, M. and Sarkar-Barney, S. (2014). Developing Leaders in India. ASTD Handbook: The Definitive Reference for Training & Development. ASTD.
Sarkar-Barney, S., & Kuehler, J. (2010). Scrap learning: A case of low transfer of training. Personnel Testing Council Quarterly, 6(3), 8-12.
Sarkar-Barney, S. (2010). The role of national culture in transfer of training: Understanding the impact of motivation to learn, managerial support and cultural values. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.
Sarkar-Barney, S., & Barney, M. (2010). India: Promises and Pitfalls for I-O Psychologists. TIP, April 2010,
Sarkar-Barney, S (2004). The role of national culture in enhancing training effectiveness: A framework. In Michael Kaplan’s (vol. Editor) Advances in Human Performance and Cognitive Engineering Research: Cultural Ergonomics.
Stanton, J. M., & Sarkar-Barney, S. T. M. (2003). A Detailed analysis of task performance with and without computer monitoring. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 16 (2), 345-366.
Sarkar-Barney, S. (2003). Effects of Mentor-Mentee Communication and Information Networks on Productivity. Academy Advance Newsletter, 1(1).
Zakaria, N., Stanton, J. M., & Sarkar-Barney, S. (2002) Designing and Implementing Culturally-Sensitive IT Applications: The Interaction of Culture Values and Privacy Issues in the Middle East, Information Technology, and People.
Highhouse, S., Luong, A., Sarkar-Barney, S. (1999). Research design, measurement, and effect of attribute range on job choice: More than meets the eye. Organizational Research Methods, 2(1), 37-49.
Sarkar-Barney, S., Bachiochi, P. D., Julian, A. (November/December, 1999). The best companies to work for and why. National Society of Black Engineers, 11 (2), 38-50.
Sarkar-Barney, S., Chen, G., Bosco, F., Singla, N., Ott-Holland, C., Singla, N., Uggerslev, K. (2018). Significant Examples of Closing the Scientist-practitioner Gap. Alternative session presented at the 2018 Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology to be held in Chicago, Illinois.
Widlak, I., & Sarkar-Barney, S. (2015). Making Meta-Analytic Results Actionable. Accepted for presentation as part of the session ‘ Using Science-mapping and Meta-Analysis to Bridge the Scientist-practitioner Divide’ during the 30th annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, PA.
Widlak, I., & Sarkar-Barney, S. (2012). East Meets West: Do We Learn Differently? Poster presented at the 27th annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Diego, CA.
Ramesh, A., Jerden, A., Rohricht, M. Sarkar-Barney, S., Wright, K. (2010). Taking Competency Models Global. Panelist at a panel discussion conducted during the 2010 annual conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology held in Atlanta, Georgia.
Sarkar-Barney, S. (2010). Advances in Training Evaluation Techniques. Chaired symposium discussion during the 2010 annual conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology held in Atlanta, Georgia.
Vijayakumar, H., Sarkar-Barney, S. (2010). Designing a Training Evaluation Strategy to Inform Organizational Decision Making. Presented during the 2010 annual conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology held in Atlanta, Georgia.
Sarkar-Barney, S. (2009). Succession Planning: Beyond Manager Nominations. Chaired Panel discussion during the 2009 annual conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology held in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Ronen, E., & Sarkar-Barney, S. (2005). Content and structure of values in a cross-cultural sample. Poster presented at the 26th annual Industrial/Organizational Psychology & Organizational Behavior conference, Melbourne, FL. (Paper nominated for Robert J. Wherry Award)
Sarkar-Barney, S. & Ronen, E. (2004). The influence of culture on job involvement: A multi-country study. Presented during the 2004 Annual convention of the American Psychological Association (APA) to be held in Honolulu, Hawai.
Bakunowska, I. & Sarkar-Barney, S. (2004). Differences in problem solving strategies between eastern and western cultures. Presented during the 2004 IOOB conference held in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Sarkar-Barney, S. (2004). Measuring the Impact of Training Through Utility Analysis. Invited speaker at the New Jersey ASTD’s monthly meeting.
Sarkar-Barney, S. (2003). Invited panelist for a discussion on ‘International training’, hosted by the Chicago Chapter of ASTD.
Sarkar-Barney, S. (2003). People metrics and organizational improvement. Invited to speak by the Tata Quality Group in Pune.
Sarkar-Barney, S., Ayman, R., Feldman, J., Gelfand, M. (2003). Chaired a panel discussion titled ‘Teaching International I/O Psychology’ during the 2003 annual conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology held in Orlando, FL.
Sarkar-Barney, S. & Stanton, J. M. (2003) The Moderating Role of Culture Values on Trainee Characteristics and Transfer of Training: A Multi-Country Study. Presented in a symposium titled ‘Training Evaluation: New Directions’ held during the 2003 annual conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology held in Orlando, FL.
Sarkar-Barney, S. (2002). Predicting Transfer of Training: A Four-Country Study. Presented at the 2002 annual conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology held in Toronto, Canada.
Sarkar-Barney, S., Zickar, M. J., Stanton, J. M. (2001). Causal Indicator Analysis: An Alternative Measurement Model for the Coping Construct. Presented at a poster session during the 2001 Annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology held in San Diego, California.
Sarkar-Barney, S., Stanton, J. M., Line, K. (2001). Crossing the line: When do organizations ask for too much personal data about workers? Presented at a symposium titled “Design considerations in electronic workplace surveillance systems” during the 2001 Annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology held in San Diego, California.
Sarkar-Barney, S., Stanton, J. M., Kowal, S. (2000). Who do we help? Understanding factors influencing success in seeking reemployment. Presented during a poster session at the 2000 Annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Sarkar-Barney, S., Julian, A., Bachiochi, P. D. (2000). Recruiting From the Scarce Technical Workforce: An Applicant’s Perspective. Presented during a practitioner’s forum titled “Attracting and Keeping Top Talent in the High-Tech Industry” during the 2000 Annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Julian, A., Stanton, J. M., Sarkar-Barney, S., Greve, E. M. (2000). Do remote monitoring systems affect employee performance? Presented at a symposium titled “Performance Management Issues in Networked Organizations” during the 2000 Annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Highhouse, S, Luong, A., & Sarkar-Barney, S. (1999). Another look at market pay range effects on job choice. Presented at a poster session during the 1999 Annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology in Atlanta.
Sarkar-Barney, S., Greve, E., Stanton, J (1999). A detailed analysis of task performance with and without computer monitoring. Presented at a symposium titled ‘Big and little brothers: recent findings on electronic performance monitoring’ during the 1999 Annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology in Atlanta.
Sarkar-Barney, S. (1998). Issues related to cross-cultural adjustment. Invited presentation at International chapter of Technical Communication, Bowling Green State University.
Sarkar, S., Fritzsche, B., Dunn. M., Bowers, C, & Kane, T. (1998). Communication as a predictor of innovative performance. Presented at a poster session during the 19th National Business Conference and the 2nd second World Congress on the Management of Intellectual Capital, Hamilton, Canada.
Sarkar-Barney, S. (2002). Personality Assessment: The Secret to High Quality Employees. Prepared for FurstPerson, Inc.
Sarkar-Barney, S. (2002). Guidelines For Selecting a Personality Test. Prepared for FurstPerson,Inc.
Julian, A., Weiss, E., Stanton, J., Sarkar-Barney, S., Steinbrenner, D., Vastano, N. (1999). Report on Critical Issues Regarding Technology, Privacy, and Organizations. Technical Report. Bowling Green State University.