Listen to experts reveal misconceptions about talent management practices as they put a spotlight on the truth.

This podcast series covers talent practices that have a multiplier effect.  There are a lot of ideas on how to be a better leader, how to drive business impact through talent,  and even tips on how to be happy. What if you could cut through the noise and just focus on the practices that can produce 10 times the results? That’s exactly the kind of information we will cover – timely, relevant, evidence-based and actionable.

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Brad Johnson

Supporting Women in the Workplace: What Men should know

Dr. Brad Johnson and Dr. David Smith


Turning Grief and Loss into Creative Inspiration - Dr. Charles Dhanaraj

Turning Grief and Loss into Creative Inspiration


Dr. Charles Dhanaraj


Jim Detert

How Leaders can Create Psychological Safety by Encouraging Voice

Dr. James (Jim) R. Detert

Dr. Fred Oswald

An Evidence-Based Perspective on the Future of Work

Dr. Fred Oswald


Dr. Shreya Sarker-Barney

Evidence-based HR: Achieve Better Results Faster

Dr. Shreya Sarkar-Barney


Turning Grief and Loss into Creative Inspiration - Dr. Charles Dhanaraj

21st Century Skills for HR Professionals


Dr. Victoria A. Davis


Jim Detert

A Systems Approach to HR Analytics


Dr. Alec Levenson


Hariraj Vijaykumar

Leading L&D Innovation using Evidence-based Practice


Hariraj Vijaykumar


Dr. Shreya Sarker-Barney

Leading Transformation in a Stressed Sector


Dr. James MacDonald


Turning Grief and Loss into Creative Inspiration - Dr. Charles Dhanaraj

Why do Humans Discriminate and What We Can Do About It

Dr. Susan Fiske

Jim Detert

Goal setting: Myths and Truths

Dr. Gary Latham


Dr. Fred Oswald

The Importance of Courage in Leading Breakthroughs


Dr. Kenneth Barr


Pankaj Dubey

Lessons on Leadership: Journey from Humble Beginnings to CEO of Polaris India

Pankaj Dubey


Mahesh subramony

The HR Value Chain: A Guide to aligning People, Performance, and Profits

Dr. Mahesh Subramony


Dr. Avraham Kluger

Feedback: What works and new frontiers

Dr. Avraham Kluger


Dr. David Day

Advances in Leader Development


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