Roundtable Discussion

Peer group discussion on skills-related challenges and strategies

March 22nd , Friday

9 am – 10 am PT


We will host a roundtable discussion following our webinar on Navigating 2024 HR trends. This discussion is designed for HR and talent leaders looking to brainstorm ideas and gather peer insights on addressing specific skills-related needs.

While the specific questions discussed may vary based on the attendees, here are a few sample topics:

  • The biggest hurdles to transitioning from an experience-based to a skill-based hiring approach.
  • Strategies to identify the most critical skill needs of a role

The roundtable discussions are highly interactive and have limited seats. Please be prepared to share a challenge you are working on and brainstorm with your peers.


Karn Singh

Former Director of Workforce Development


Shreya Sarkar-Barney, Ph.D.

CEO, Human Capital Growth,
Affiliate Research Scientist,
Center for Effective Organizations,
University of Southern California